To Rescue the Republic
In this follow-up to his acclaimed “Three Days” trilogy, Bret Baier’s To Rescue the Republic dramatically illuminates the life of one of America’s most consequential yet misunderstood leaders, Ulysses S. Grant, whose actions both as general and as president played an unparalleled role in preserving the United States.
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Peek Inside The Book

Childhood Home
The little one-story house in Point Pleasant, Ohio, where Ulysses S. Grant was born, is a historic sight now. When the Grants lived there it had only one room. Since then two additional rooms were added.

Jesse and Hannah Grant
Jesse Grant was opinionated and sometimes bombastic, while Hannah was quiet and even-tempered. Together they created a stable, loving family life for their children.

Grant as a young officer
A young officer Grant.

Julia Grant
Julia was the love of Grant’s life, with a pure devotion that lasted until his death.

White Haven
White Haven, the Dent family’s farm plantation.

The Grants
The Grants: (L-R) Nellie, Grant, Jesse, Fred, Julia, and Ulysses (Buck).

Siege of Vicksburg
A depiction of the brutal, bloody Siege of Vicksburg, which cemented Grant’s reputation as a military leader.

Confederate soldiers lay behind a stone wall at Fredericksburg after the 6th Maine overwhelmed them in May 1863.

General Grant
General Grant at his headquarters in Cold Harbor, Virginia. He was quiet and unassuming, even at his greatest moment.

Strategy Meeting
A critical meeting at Grant’s City Point headquarters.Abraham Lincoln, William TecumsehSherman, Philip Henry Sheridan, and Ulysses S. Grantstudy a map and plot a strategy to finallyend the war.

Lee's Surrender to Grant
“Let Us Have Peace” by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, depicting the surrender of General Robert E. Lee to General Ulysses S. Grant.

Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson had been vice president for less than two months when Lincoln was assassinated. His turbulent single term had the nation longing for a hero, which they once again found in Grant.

Grant's Inauguration
Ulysses Grant’s first inauguration, March 4, 1869, brought huge crowds to the capital to see their war hero sworn into office. Not present was Grant’s predecessor Andrew Johnson or his mother, who thought all the hoopla was unseemly.

First Black Representatives
The first Black senator and members of the House of Representatives during the 41stand42ndCongress: (L-R) Representative Robert C. De Large, South Carolina; Representative Jefferson H. Long, Georgia; Senator H.R. Revels, Mississippi; Representative Benjamin S. Turner, Alabama; Representative Josiah T. Walls, Florida; Representative Joseph H. Rainey, South Carolina; Representative R. Brown Elliot, South Carolina. Currier & Ives.

Cabinet Meeting
A cabinet meeting in the Grant Administration, drawn by W.S.L. Jewett. (L-R): Jacob D. Cox, Hamilton Fish, John A. Rawlins, John A.J. Cresswell, President Grant, George S. Boutwell, Adolph E. Borie, Ebenezer R. Hoar.

Let Us Have Peace
This drawing by C.S. Reinhart, titled “Let us have peace,” depicts Grant greeting Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, and Swift Bear during a visit of the Indian delegation with Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Ely S. Parker.

Grant's Later Years
The last photo of Ulysses S. Grant, on the piazza at Mount McGregor. His work nearly done, he was in grievous pain but in peace.
“Bret Baier’s To Rescue the Republic is narrative history at its absolute finest. With great verve and a fair-and-balanced ethic, Baier brilliantly recounts the heroic life of Ulyses S. Grant – as Civil War general, U.S. President, Reconstruction Era leader and beloved national icon. His dramatic retelling of the election of 1876 which pitted Samuel Tilden against Rutherford B. Hayes is stupendous. A fast-paced, thrilling and enormously important book. Highly recommended!”
Douglas Brinkley
Katherine Tsanoff Brown Chair in Humanities and Professor of History at Rice University and author of American Moonshot
“With To Rescue The Republic, Bret Baier, the nation’s leading reporter of history, has written a veritable tour de force. This remarkable book is history as it should be: magnificently composed, meticulously researched, and brimming with lessons for today’s divided political arena. Baier has brought to life the riveting but too often forgotten story of how US Grant preserved the Republic at one of its moments of greatest peril. This is not just a tale for our age, but an absorbing tale for the ages. It belongs on the bookshelf of every lover of history.”
Jay Winik
New York Times best-selling author of April 1865 and 1944
“Bret Baier once again brings his wonderful journalistic storytelling skills to the task of examining a significant moment in American history. “Rescuing the Republic” is the richly detailed and often suspenseful story of Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president. In particular Bret focuses on those dramatic moments when Grant rescues the Republic—first during the Civil War, then making the peace after the war, and finally in the bitterly contested election of 1876, when he devised a grand bargain to save the presidency and the nation. The parallels with modern times are striking, and the lessons Bret raises are worth serious attention: the future of the Republic isn’t a given. We must fight for it in every era.”
Mark Levin
Lawyer, author, and host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show and Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News
“Throughout history, great men have stepped forward at just the right moment to save America at its most critical times. In To Rescue the Republic, Bret Baier brilliantly chronicles how Ulysses S. Grant was that great man multiple times. Perhaps you think you know the story, but Bret brings you back to the 1870s in a way I didn’t think possible. A must read!”
Brian Kilmeade
#1New York Times bestselling author
“Bret Baier has provided a valuable public service by showing why Ulysses S. Grant deserves much more public acclaim for his presidential years than Grant has traditionally been given. If you enjoy reading about American history, you will love Bret Baier’s fresh look at the man most responsible for the outcome of the Civil War and the peaceful resolution of the contested presidential election of 1876. I highly recommend this book on one of America’s most important leaders.”
David Rubenstein
Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, bestselling author, and Host of PBS’s The David Rubenstein Show
“As the United States suffers through turbulent times, news anchor Bret Baier reaches back to earlier years of heroism when the nation, then and now, experienced an earlier examples of woe. This is a book which, when carefully read, provides insight into a difficult era.”
John F. Marszalek
Executive Director, Ulysses S Grant Presidential Library. Mississippi State University.
“In ‘To Rescue the Republic’, Bret Baier combines the journalist’s instinct for timeliness and a great story with the historian’s ability to document and chronicle in ways that stand the test of time. “To Rescue the Republic” doubles as a political and military portrait of U.S. Grant and as a definitive account of Grant’s ability to broker a settlement of the contentious election of 1876. This success marked the culmination of Grant’s efforts as general and president to win and end the American civil war. A key message of this book– in this time of discord and racial conflict– is that the American republic is a land of opportunity. Talent rises to the top. And because of this, no problem confronting Americans is ultimately is beyond resolution. This book is as inspiring as it is readable, and it is easily my favorite book of 2021.”
David Eisenhower
Director, Institute of Public Service, Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania, and author of Eisenhower: At War
“Yes, history can help light the way. Bret Baier’s absorbing book shows us why Ulysses Grant was a far more important President than later generations gave him credit for, and how the crises of civil war, Reconstruction and the deadlock of 1876 resembled the turbulent period we are living through.”
Michael Beschloss
Presidential Historian